I was just checking weather for a trip bringing the boss back from the States. I was on hold with FSS and my pal Richard called me. He just said "Turn on the tv". So I did, in time to see the second plane hit the tower.
I seriously thought about taking a plane and heading north for 1/2 a tank of gas, then landing at the most remote strip I could find. Then I remembered about the military base nearby, figured they'd be going out of their minds with worry and rage, and decided to stay on the ground.
And now, five years later, Bush and his neocon pals have fed the public a steady diet of fear while eroding civil rights and spying on his own citizens. How far behind is Canada? That's a scary question indeed.
What are we prepared to give up in the name of 'security'? Hair gel and liquids? Our personal identities? Our right to free speech?
Despite the witty rhetoric, your identity and free speech rights do not appear to be at risk in either nation.
I thought one of your pet peeves was "drama queens". What have you lost? WE lost two towers, had the Pentagon damaged and 2,996 people.
At least 8 of those people were pilots in case you need to be reminded.
Besides, what do you care about hair gel or shampoo?
Well well Sulako. You appear to have stepped on some sensitive toes. The arguments, aside from snide remarks seem to focus on YOUR right to blog and ignore the curtailment of free speech and freedom of movement in America. Perhaps the readers need to check with the ACLU files of lawyers speaking out on Guantanamo and the hidden prisons in Europe for those who rights to freedom were set aside post 9/11.KM
> Perhaps the readers need to check with the
> ACLU files of lawyers speaking out on
> Guantanamo and the hidden prisons in
> Europe for those who rights to freedom
> were set aside post 9/11.KM
"rights to freedom" of a terrorist?
How quaintly egalatarian of you.
And "Anonymous" too, Frank!
What balls!
Anytime I see the word "Neocon" used, I go elsewhere.
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