On the right side of that map, about halfway up, see those two red "L"s right next to teach other? That's sort of where I live, and that's where we'll be heading at some point in the next while. Big red "L"s are bad in aviation; they represent lousy weather with low clouds and rain. Hopefully it'll be nice and easy when we actually go flying, but I am certainly keeping an eye out. The plane will be in a hangar so that's one less thing to worry about - few things are more depressing than coming out to your airplane and seeing 2 inches of frost and ice on it.
Anyway, time for comic relief. This had me howling with laughter, and I'm sure the people in the hotel room above me are thinking I'm insane, but whatever; this is still hilarious. Whomever thought this would be a good idea needs a smack. I got this from the original youtube clip which didn't allow embedding, so I ripped it here.
From cahaba2000:
A pet supply store offers a "pet spa". It has a device that will wash and dry your pet. After fighting with cats in the past, we decided to try it. The pet store told us that cats love it. As you can see he didn't like it. We stopped it early. He was much much cleaner but he didnt talk to us for a hour.
As I was rolling on the floor howling I felt bad, but just for a minute. That's too funny.
Prolly keeps the dander down eh? Fewer allergic reactions
Sick. And I don't mean that in a 'good' way. You might want to see someone about your inner issues...
I don't find the torment of any animal as hilarious. That Little Man in your Head been chatting again?
I have never seen a less happy cat in my entire life.
It's enough to make you believe something cruel is going on, but relax here. There are small jets of warm water being sprayed at low pressure on a healthy cat. Worse things happen to this cat when it goes out in the snow. Very healthy, considering the aerobatics it was capable of.
But I wouldn't want to be the one that opens that door. I'd call the person holding the cat in the towel, "very brave."
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