Absolutely beautiful country here...

Guess the iconic Canadian landmark!
It came with this plaque bolted onto it. One does not mess with the Atlantic Ocean...

We were only in Halifax for a short time, but we drove all about and saw lots of things - Canadian Navy submarines in their pens in Halifax harbour, tall ships in port, and the bottom of a few pint glasses at the local pubs. It was nice weather, but hella windy.
We saw this on the way there...only the last 5 seconds of this video is cool.
Philosophy was never my strong point, but a man's mind starts to wander and wonder while waiting for passengers to show up for a midnight departure...of course we made it safe home - that's what Red Bull is for!
I'm pressed for time so I'll cut this short - I have lots of blog ideas percolating and I hope to get the chance to write one down tomorrow, maybe after we meet with our company accountant to discuss how we did in fiscal 2009. Wish me luck!
Peggy's Cove is beautiful. I was there last summer when I was in Halifax for vacation. A week before our arrival, a rogue wave pulled a lady into the ocean but luckily the busboy at the restaurant there dove in and saved her.
Gotta love Nova Scotia.
You were in Halifax the one week of the year the sun shines.
Awesome closing shot. I'm glad that RVSM hardware & software (TCAS2 if I recall correctly) is getting used. Are there airman certification/quals required too?
Totally true philosophical musings. Poor people's time is evidently worthless; ride any city bus.
I hope the acountant reads your blog and knows he is way behind on the job!
I hope that your accountant reads the blog and knows he is way behind the deadline for his report. good luck.
That's the coolest thing I have seen in a while. There have been a few times I happened to glance out a commercial liner window at altitude and have seen another liner screaming past. Video does not do the closing speeds justice. Great shot!
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