Sunday, August 16, 2009

My job is pretty cool sometimes. This is Snoop Dogg, one of Lisa's favorite performers of all time. We flew him to/from a concert. He was really laid back and polite, much more so than some of the businessmen and politicians I have flown. He called me Captain and we did the fist-bump thing where you make a fist and bump it against the other guy's fist. I think I'm in his posse now.


Anonymous said...

Yo Dude that is so cool. And why are you posting at 1:33 am anyway? get to partay or what???

rw2 said...

Was he laid back? With his mind on his money and his money on his mind?

amulbunny's random thoughts said...

Was there no smoking in the cabin? Snopp likes his bud. Glad you had a good flight with him.

Julien said...

First you spot Dexter Holland's airplane on the ramp, then you fly Snoop Dogg, what's next? Your own rock band?

Joe said...

Nice. Hard to believe not a single Soul Plane reference in the first four comments.