A friend of mine by the name of 'sky's the limit' is in Afghanistan right now, writing and taking pictures. He's actually staying in a house that Osama Bin Laden owned and lived in. In STL's own words..."Talk about a theme room.... It's actually quite difficult to believe it, but I'm staring at the same ceiling he did, just used the same bathtub he did, and I can only wonder what thoughts he had while in here. I have issues with time and space sometimes, but to know he was in here at one point in history, or several actually, sure has a way of playing with one's mind."
He has made a detailed post on AvCanada, and I encourage you to read the text for an interesting take on the conditions there.
Clicking makes the pictures bigger.
This is 20 miles Northeast of Bagram

A Chinook helicopter that will shortly be transferred from the US Army to the Canadian Forces.

The business end of an Apache attack helicopter.

An A-10 tank killer departing Bagram at sunrise

A Sikorsky HH60 Pavehawk search and rescue chopper, ready to go on a night medevac.

The night medevac flight was for an Afghan National Police officer hit by an improvised explosive device.

An amazing shot out the back of a Chinook

STL, looking brave and not scared.

What's the number 1 rule of armed conflict? Don't die. I hope and pray STL will obey this rule and post more pics soon.
I understand that your friend is the connection to the war stuff. But I have to say I was uncomfortable with the inclusion on your blog of references to armed combat and the Afghanistan war. Feels like a Top Gun recruitment drive.Make love not war Sully. Peace on Earth to all who usually read this excellent blog.
Those are amazing photos, Sulako. Thanks for posting them. I used to read your comments on AvCanada, so I was happy to stumble upon your blog. I will make a point to check in more frequently. Happy Holidays.
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