I smuggled Lisa on board this trip. She passed the time by working on university stuff and listening to her beloved ipod.

We landed and I saw some crazy Russian plane. I like the blue props.

Peter Nygard has his own 727. He's a Canadian fashion designer.

His seal is everywhere on his plane. I thought it was pretty busy. I mean, there is a viking hat, an eagle with his initial, a lion, a second lion coat of arms, a 727 apparently about to stall/spin, a maple leaf, and a phrase. Clearly the man stands for a lot of different things :)

At the Hilton, holiday season is in full swing. This is part of a huge table of gingerbread houses and icing trees. I snuck past the barricade and confirmed that everything is in fact made of icing. It looks pretty strange sitting in the lobby of a hotel in Bahamas, but whatever.

The wind knocked down these inflatable decorations, which is fine by me. Snowmen just look ridiculous when it's +25 outside.

After the long flight down, it was time to relax by the pool.

And dip our toes in the ocean.

I'm pointing toward an imaginary shark which I'll photoshop in later. I mean, there are lots of sharks in the local waters, but the swimming area behind the Hilton has lots of nets to keep them from biting us.

Enjoying the free snacks and beverages in the Executive Lounge at the Hilton.

We went to Atlantis on Paraside Island.

We took a look at the aquariums, which are world-class. The furthest manta ray is the size of a car. It had no comment on how it felt toward Australian naturalists.

Yellin at the fish.

You can see through these fish. It's wild.

Making our own fish lips.

After a few days, we flew home.

Crossing back over land at Wilmington, North Carolina, which is half-way from Toronto to Nassau. If I don't have to pee too badly by then, I'll think about drinking some water.

This is northern Pennsylvania. It's really interesting how you can see that the glaciers of ages past carved out huge ridges in the earth.

Some large commercial jetliner at 35,000'. We were at 37,000'. It was easily a hundred miles an hour faster than us and it soon streaked out of sight.

More Pennsylvania. the little while dots are houses. I thought it was interesting how they were all clustered along the main roads.

Lisa says "Thanks for taking me!" in her own special way.

You and LIsa are so cute. I wish you lots of years of happiness. Your pictures are awesome. I love the fish and the glacial ridges in PA are something to ponder.
You make the best looking couple, Sulako. I can just see you in skunk costumes or ferret noses. Thanks for sharing the pictures.
That's one pretty girl!
The blue props are cool also.
Great post, thanks.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and pictures - looks like you can't go wrong with a trip to the Bahamas!
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