Thursday, April 12, 2007

This is a really quick clip, so you only have a couple of seconds to tell me what went wrong. Fortunately nobody died.


Anonymous said...

I would have raised the wheels first!

milski said...

Yeah, one of these cases where a gear up landing is a better alternative. :)

Anonymous said...

I read someplace that the guy was flying into a wedding or graduation or something.

I can only imagine the embarrassment matched the pain.

Dave Starr said...

Didn't need to be along clip, did it? I always wondered what would happen ... now I know. What's that old saw about there being only two types of pilots, those who have landed gear up and those who are going to? About 10 milliseconds after he touched down this guys was saying, "Oh Lord, why wasn't this my day to be one of the ones who were destined to"?

Does serve to show that Cessna and Edo build strong hardware.

Aviatrix said...

Lucky no one died. I've seen an amphib like that depart on wheels from a runway and then seen the same amphib come back on a flatbed truck for TSB inspection, a few days after the funeral.